Twelve European Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence
The technological breakthrough of artificial intelligence (AI) undoubtedly…
Paris 2025: European AI Between Grand Ambitions and Pressing Realities
From the early warnings of Bletchley to the grand stage of Paris: As the third…
Genesis - The Creation of a New World by Superhuman AI
‘Genesis’¹, the new book recently published by Henry A. Kissinger, Craig Mundie…
Smarter, Not Harder: A Research-Driven Agenda for Europe’s AI Sovereignty
As the EU lags behind the US and China in AI, a smarter focus on software,…
Transatlantic Tech Tango: Dealing with Monopolists and Security Post-2024
As Americans go to the polls in one of the most consequential elections in…
Combining Japanese Tradition and Tech Innovation: A Blueprint for Europe?
Neon lights and ancient palaces: Arriving at Tokyo’s Narita airport in late…
EIB Vice-President Nicola Beer: "Technological Innovation is Europe's Motor"
Mrs Beer, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to make investment in…
On the Order of a Civilisation in the Age of the Anthropocene and Transhumanism
From this historical perspective, it becomes clear that the challenges are not…
Whatever It Takes to Innovate: Draghi’s Plans for EU Competition Policy
As the European Commission prepares for a new mandate under President Ursula…
KI im Klassenzimmer: Chancen nutzen!
Angesichts von technologischen Innovationen wie den großen Sprachmodellen, die…