European Paradox of Consensus Building

Advantage Consensus-Building

Grand Ideals and the Travails of the Plains European integration is a project…

„Western Balcans are Part of the EU“

"Western Balcans are Part of the EU"

Davor Ivo Stier, Croatia joined the EU in 2013, which means it has now been a…

Kroatien hat formal die vier wirtschaftlichen Konvergenzkriterien erfüllt und wird Anfang 2023 den Euro einführen.

Kroatiens Aufnahme in die Eurofamilie

Die Visegrád 4 haben oft als organisierte Sperrminorität agiert, aber nicht…

The Visegrad Four are known as the rebels of the European Union. The group, consisting of Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia, has often acted as an organised blocking minority, most famously during the migration crisis in 2015. But something has changed in the last few years.

The Visegrád Four: From a
Rebelling Gang to a Failed Alliance

If asked who are the “bad boys” of the European Union, our first thoughts will…

Since 2020 he is at the top of Italy's major bank UniCredit. Pier Carlo Padoan warns of possible consequences due to exploding energy prices and explains why, nonetheless, he does not fear inflation.

Former Italian Minister
Does Not Fear Inflation

Mr. Padoan, in a recent interview, you said that an extreme right-wing…

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A New EU, a New World?

Paolo Gentiloni is an Italian politician of the Democratic Party (Partito…

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann und Waffenlieferungen

„Merkel hat uns einen Bärendienst erwiesen"

Strack-Zimmermann kritisiert Angela Merkels Politik scharf und findet, dass…

Historiker Harold James zieht Parallelen zwischen historischen Ereignissen und dem russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine.

„Dann hat Putin gewonnen …“

Herr James, wie weit darf der Westen Wladimir Putin entgegenkommen? Ich möchte…


The Opportunity
of Crisis

Crisis – What crisis? For decades indeed we have experienced – in Europe…