ChatGPT Requires Greater Digital Literacy

Since 30 November 2022, they have regularly flooded the screens of social media…

Parliament Elections Europe

Parliament Elections: The Battle of Europe

If the European Council were to accept the proposal, adopted by the European…

Sebastian Hartmann warns of national solo efforts when it comes to EU cybersecurity strategies. Instead, they should think European.

Think European: Germany's Digital Sovereignty and its National Security

Guaranteeing security is the central task and basic promise of a modern…

Kroatien hat formal die vier wirtschaftlichen Konvergenzkriterien erfüllt und wird Anfang 2023 den Euro einführen.

Kroatiens Aufnahme in die Eurofamilie

Die Visegrád 4 haben oft als organisierte Sperrminorität agiert, aber nicht…

The Visegrad Four are known as the rebels of the European Union. The group, consisting of Poland, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia, has often acted as an organised blocking minority, most famously during the migration crisis in 2015. But something has changed in the last few years.

The Visegrád Four: From a
Rebelling Gang to a Failed Alliance

If asked who are the “bad boys” of the European Union, our first thoughts will…

Historiker Harold James zieht Parallelen zwischen historischen Ereignissen und dem russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine.

„Dann hat Putin gewonnen …“

Herr James, wie weit darf der Westen Wladimir Putin entgegenkommen? Ich möchte…


The Opportunity
of Crisis

Crisis – What crisis? For decades indeed we have experienced – in Europe…

Elon Musk and Twitter

Musk hat einen Vogel

„Wer die Technologie beherrscht und die Infrastrukturen besitzt, hat die…

Politics can be analysed from many perspectives. Sergio Fabbrini explains why he prefers the analysis through the lense of political systems.

The Power of the
Political Centre

„I ask myself: how do national political systems respond to the need to…

Macron's re-election

The Hidden Danger Behind Macron's Victory

The French electoral system is organised as a two-round race: in the first…